We are experiencing extremely high volumes of enquiries this year and unfortunately it’s not possible to respond to them all. We are doing our best to help as many customers as we can but are currently prioritising existing customers during this unprecedented busy season. Unfortunately, until the end of August we are unable to guarantee a response to new business fee proposals.

Darwin Wildscapes

What’s wildscaping?

Wildscaping is an investment in wildlife’s wellbeing, and helps tip the scales back in nature’s favour.

It involves rewilding land you own to create your very own wildlife corridor, supporting birds and pollinators and helping to restore the ecosystem we rely on so heavily.

Swapping lawnmowers for wildflowers is also an effortless way for us to connect with nature. Modern life can get us down sometimes, but immersing ourselves in the natural world has been proven to be beneficial for our mental and physical health. And wildscaping brings it to your doorstep.

Sold? So are we.

Here’s the catch: there’s more to it than simply scattering seeds. Well-structured wildscapes – the kind that’ll attract an abundance of wildlife – have layered vegetation for many different species, and that doesn’t happen by chance. It takes forethought, planning and experience to get them right.

Which is where we come in.

How we’ll help you

We’ve been designing and creating bountiful wildscapes for years. Wildscapes that serve as sanctuaries not just for wildlife, but for people too.

We tailor-make each wildscape because every site is unique. If we were to work together, we’d highlight your favourite features and introduce a wide range of habitats, from wildflowers and trees to ponds and wetland areas. A paradise for creatures big and small.

Whether you have a small garden, a large farm or something in between, we’ll help transform your land into a blooming wildlife haven. We’ve created bog gardens, woodland, orchards and meadows for people who want to play their part in rebalancing biodiversity.

We factor special habitat features into our wildscapes. Hibernacula and deadwood piles, for instance, don’t sound sexy but offer important refuge for amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates and small mammals.

We’ll also keep you up to date on how best to manage your existing habitats and encourage biodiversity.

Let’s chat

If you have land you want to rewild, or need advice on how to encourage wildlife into your garden, we can help. Give us a call today for an informal chat.